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Thursday 1 August 2013

Accelerating Our Collective Emergence into a New Paradigm

While a few hundred years ago there were a handful of luminaries shining their light on the waters of human conscious awareness, today there are thousands upon thousands. 

I remember 7 years ago I had to practically go on a wild goose chase to “find the others” and now I see so many awakened intentional evolutionaries that it’s truly inspiring and hope-inducing.

The continuing emergence of a global consciousness — zeroed in on balance, harmony, and coherence with all living systems (which includes each other, nature and beyond) — within an increasingly-growing number of people is almost surreal. The shift has/is happening so fast, perhaps in order to match the unparalleled destruction that has been happening to the one habitable home we have, and to the physical/mental/emotional/spiritual well-being of humanity.

These points of positive emergence should bring us great hope about the future and inspire us to help anchor in the new paradigm because we are all in this thing called Life together, without exception!

Sure, we can focus on all the terrifying and devastating things that are still happening on the planet and in society but if we’re perpetually locked in on those things we will develop a tunnel-like awareness where we only see the state of the world as getting worse and worse, turning us into cynical and depressed clouds of negativity. Ignoring either the constructive or destructive things occurring is unhelpful in creating a bright future for humanity. Our individual actions collectively decide our fate.

Are we going to leave the fate of humanity in the hands of a few narcissistic and maladjusted manipulators or will we say enough is enough and put things back in alignment with the environment, reason and unity?

Let’s help promote the realization that Earth is everyone’s home, a place which we can make into a paradise instead of letting it become a hellscape because of actions that completely disregard the fine mesh and web of all life – plant, animal, and otherwise. read more

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